Monday, December 2, 2013

Something New and Exciting

Have you ever just get so tired of your surroundings and you're suddenly craving for something new? that was how i felt 5 months ago, i can definitely say i'm in a much more better place than i was before. But in life, i learned that you can't always get what you want and things don't often flow the way we want it to. 

There has been a lot of amazing people that i have met so far but there are some that i wish i could get to know much further but they seem to close themselves, but sometimes i feel they're closing themselves from me, it saddens me really, i used to take it in real hard because for once, i just want things to go my way, but it certainly taught me a lesson that maybe these people that i thought would be a part of my life isn't worthy of truly being in it.

But i am not giving up :) maybe somewhere out there, i could find that person, and i'm not talking about a quest of finding a love interest, but more likely finding a group of people that i can share good and bad memories with. I always love the idea of getting lost in another man's country and just explore in hopes of bumping with one of the locals and just chat whilst drinking a cup of latte. Even though I have never experienced that before, i'm looking forward to the adventures that my future holds.

To the people that i will meet along my journey,
I can't wait to meet you all :)

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