Tuesday, June 24, 2014

OCD Update

As of now, I am feeling so much better than before. I'm slowly recovering from my severe compulsive obsession of always have to do something in a exact pattern. I'm learning on how to not always do things as I plan in my head and just let life surprise me. Now I can sit in my bed and be calm without thinking of a lot of things, even though that sometime happens, i've been so much better.

I still love cleaning my room until it is near perfection and I do still obsessively think about my room coordination & decorations. But not as compulsive as before. It's weird how sometimes simple things are so complicated or maybe us humans make it seem like it's a complex matter. Nonetheless, i'll keep trying to do things one by one and focus on what matter.

I feel really bad for I have been neglecting my blog for a while now. But I have quite a lot of interesting projects for my blog. I hope it'll come true and not just remain as an idea. I'm going to the coffee shop now to finish the couple last chapters of Paper Towns, which i'm very excited about and maybe pay a short visit to the supply store to but some decorative things for my room.

Until then, i'll always be struggling to deal with my OCD and daydreaming, but I promise to myself I will get better and I will be better.


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