Hey guuuuys! please forgive me for posting this in the middle of march because i originally planned on posting this at the beginning of the month.....and i'm also planning to do a monthly favourites for every new month where i will showcase the products and things that i've been loving for that particular month and also doing a short review about each things i've mentioned but i'm still not sure yet, so let us see what time will unravel!
✿ Cash Book & Calculator ✿
So this is a ritual that i'm trying to implement on my everyday life, which is writing down all of my expenses into my cash book. I find this as a really great way to track where does your money go and it actually made me more cautious in the things that i purchase, there are even days where i go, "I cannot believe i just spent that amount of money for food and other necessities!" and it inspired me to not waste money, and i also carry that and a adorable calculator (which is from Smiggle, if you guys were wondering) that i put on my backpack.
✿ Body Mist ✿
I've always been a huge fan of perfumes and body mists because they make you smell nice and i'm obsessed with the shape of the bottles, it's like holding a potion from a fantasy movie. For this month, i find myself frequently using Victoria's Secret's Bombshell body mist that was given by my mother, and it has a very strong but fresh smell and it also comes with a scented body lotion when i got it. I usually spray maybe 10 times around the clothing that i'm wearing and then i'm good to go!
✿ The Giver ✿
It has taken me a lot of time in search of this book and the moment i found it, a burst of excitement filled my soul and i felt content, i first had heard of this book from a lot of book recommendation sites and i felt like it's something i must do, or in this case; must read, before i die.
The Giver tells a story of a young boy named, Jonas. He is being chosen as to be the next Giver for the uniform society that he lives in. Through his journey, Jonas tasted a lot of feelings, emotions, situations and even colours that he had never experienced before. But it is not all rainbow and sunshine, the Giver also shared Jonas the meaning of suffering and the gain of wisdom through pain. Despite for the ambiguity of the ending of the book, i like the way how the writer leaves us to interpret on ourselves about it.
I really like this book because it really opened my eyes about the way i think and i strongly suggest for everyone to read this book. Even though it has take me about two months to finish it, every chapter invites the readers in a thrilling ride and you have to read it for yourself to experience the magic, and i'm also very excited because the movie is set tobe released some time this year and Brenton Thwaites is such a cutie! Even though in the movie Jonas is being pushed forward into a 16 years old, i'm curious on how the movie will translate it from the book.
PS i'm also gonna post a blog about The Giver so stay tuuuuuune for that :D
✿ Maybeline's The Rocket Mascara ✿
When i first purchased this, i was not satisfied on how it look because it mad my eyelashes clumpy. But after a while, i decided to give it another try and i ended up loving it now! i really do like the shape of the bottle because it resembles a rocket (stating the obvious XD) and how the bristles are because they make the eyelashes much more fuller and volumizing.
I don't know if it's just me or i think that my hair has a mind of it's own, lol! I mean, it's very moody. There are days where i think it looked like it had just exploded and there are other days where it's falling down in the way that i want. But either ways, i always keep a number of hair scrunchies in my bag to tame my tangled hair and i'm currently obsessed with the one's with bunny ears and the usual telephone wire scrunchies.
✿ Hello Kitty Face Paper ✿
So first, can we just take a moment of silence to admire how cute the packaging is?! If i look back in time, i've been carrying face papers in my bag ever since junior high because i have a extremely oily skin and i just wanna swipe off the excess dirt on my face due to excessive oils. I bought this Hello Kitty face paper a long time ago back when i spent my new years eve back in 2013 at Bangkok at a local drug store and the reason why it took me such a long time to finally use it is because the packaging is way too cute and i do not want to ruin it! lol.
✿ Hello Kitty Face Paper ✿

I've always been a huge fan of green teas, whether it is in a form of a cleansing tea or matcha. But i usually drink this without any sugar so it acts as a cleanser and i usually drink this at night time after a long day that is filled with me stuffing carbs, carbs, and more carbs into my mouth. Even though it's a bit tasteless, i feel much more airy once i finish drinking it and it's also healthy too!
✿ Maybeline's Baby Lips ✿

First, i would like to apologise for the bad resolution photo as it is not quite focused and the lighting is horrible! Keep in mind that i use natural sunlight so i'm presuming that it skies were cloudy at that time. But anyways, i find myself crawling back to Maybeline's Baby Lips because it is one of the best chap sticks ever! It moisturise your lips and it also smells really good.
✿ Aussie's Hair Insurance ✿

I'm always on the hunt for a hair product every now and then and for this month, I've been frequently using the Aussie's Hair Insurance to prevent breakage. I use this after i wash my hair and what i usually do is i brush my hair with a comb to separate their in an unevenly section and to avoid hair loss. I then gently apply it towards to the ends of my hair and for whatever that is left in my palms i'll just apply it to the area near my roots. As a result i have a much more softer and protected hair because i do use hair straighteners quite a lot and this product keeps my hair all healthy and shiny.
✿ Green Tumblr ✿
Last but certainly not least is, my green tumblr! i've been going to the gym lately and i'm too lazy to bring a water bottle that i have to take off the lid whenever i want to drink it so i bought this tumblr! It's super cute and i find myself more frequently using this than a cup to drink water because it's so much more fun and it looks super adorable.
✿ Maybeline's Baby Lips ✿

First, i would like to apologise for the bad resolution photo as it is not quite focused and the lighting is horrible! Keep in mind that i use natural sunlight so i'm presuming that it skies were cloudy at that time. But anyways, i find myself crawling back to Maybeline's Baby Lips because it is one of the best chap sticks ever! It moisturise your lips and it also smells really good.
✿ Aussie's Hair Insurance ✿

I'm always on the hunt for a hair product every now and then and for this month, I've been frequently using the Aussie's Hair Insurance to prevent breakage. I use this after i wash my hair and what i usually do is i brush my hair with a comb to separate their in an unevenly section and to avoid hair loss. I then gently apply it towards to the ends of my hair and for whatever that is left in my palms i'll just apply it to the area near my roots. As a result i have a much more softer and protected hair because i do use hair straighteners quite a lot and this product keeps my hair all healthy and shiny.
✿ Green Tumblr ✿

Last but certainly not least is, my green tumblr! i've been going to the gym lately and i'm too lazy to bring a water bottle that i have to take off the lid whenever i want to drink it so i bought this tumblr! It's super cute and i find myself more frequently using this than a cup to drink water because it's so much more fun and it looks super adorable.
So okayyyy guys that was the things that i've been loving for the month of February! Leave a comment below and tell me what are your favourite products for this month and again, i'm thinking of doing a monthly favourites for every month but we'll see how it goes.
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