It was not too long ago where I watched the movie About Time, which Rachel McAdams and Domhnall Gleeson. The movie tells of a young man named, Tim and his other male descendants of his family holds the ability to travel back in time and fix things if necessary. Although I was planning on doing a movie review on this but I went for a different direction because this movie taught me the value of something important and I wish to do yet another self-reflection about, time.

Tim had reached to a moment where he went back in time over and over again until he is satisfied with the moment and starts to lose the essence of time travelling, also i'm so sorry this is gonna be a huge spoiler alert and i'm just gonna jump into the several last segments of the movie because i do not want this to be a long post.
But with recent death of his father. His father told him that he does not need to rewrite moments for him to really enjoy it, he told him to live a day expecting that he could always travel back, and his days was filled with dark skies, gloomy atmospheres, impatiently waiting for things to end and it went horribly. Then his father had asked him to relive that day as if it was his last time going back into time and rewriting his life. From there and so on, Tim lived his life as if it was his last time he was going back into time to live it, and he could not be more happier as life started to bloom genuinely.
From the moral of the story, I often have those days where things are going horribly wrong and I tell myself that there is always tomorrow and I can start all over again, this movie has taught me that each moment is a gift and if we truly value time, time will have it's glitch of magic striking at us and will present us with a noble moment for that to live it once is enough.
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